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Monday, January 22, 2018

BigData, Cloud and Internet of Things

The Internet of Things.
The next generation Technology that will change the world how we perceive today. There will be a dramatic changes on every thing we do.
Machine to Machine communication is the reality of the next Information Technology era. Major challenges expected to the Internet, Network, Data Service Providers due to generation of trillions of data in a day through sensors to Fog to the Cloud. BigData is the only solution to managing these unstructured datas. Furthermore, the inception of IPV6 and 6LoWPAN can tell us how many devices can have individual IP Addresses and they can be communicated publicly as well. The numbers is more than number of atoms that exist on earth.

Imagine the unimaginables without any boundry because unimaginary things are going to happen soon. BigData , Cloud and Internet of things are coming together so better be prepared to have basic programming, networking, security knowledge. Because lot of manual jobs are going to be replaced by automation (M2M)

For Example: The Rise of Cryptocurrencies, it is trying to Remove Bank and Financial Institution that works as an agent in between customer and service providers. The huge threat to Bank and Financial institution if they don’t update themselves in respect to the digitization. Likewise, in health sector, transports, aviation, agriculture, industries and so on.

The advancement now is unstoppable. I repeat ...... The technological advancement now is unstoppable  ...... Equip yourself to fit in.