Life is a journey. We’re all going somewhere.
Life feels good when you’re happy, healthy and whole…when things are going well and you’re at the top of your game.
But life also brings disappointments and pain. It could be a marriage that didn’t work out, the loss of a loved one, or failing to live up to your own expectations.
We spend our days pursuing “perfection”—in work, in body and in life. We get caught up in becoming the best version of ourselves.
But, at the end of the day, we weren’t made to be perfect. We were made to be free.
Free from the hurts and the pain of our past. Free from the hits we’ve taken in life. Free from the bullies that pushed us into the places we never thought, nor wanted to be.
We all struggle to find light in those dark places.
The question is: how do we find it?
And even when we figure it out and get the life we want, you have to know it doesn’t last coerced
Life feels good when you’re happy, healthy and whole…when things are going well and you’re at the top of your game.
But life also brings disappointments and pain. It could be a marriage that didn’t work out, the loss of a loved one, or failing to live up to your own expectations.
We spend our days pursuing “perfection”—in work, in body and in life. We get caught up in becoming the best version of ourselves.
But, at the end of the day, we weren’t made to be perfect. We were made to be free.
Free from the hurts and the pain of our past. Free from the hits we’ve taken in life. Free from the bullies that pushed us into the places we never thought, nor wanted to be.
We all struggle to find light in those dark places.
The question is: how do we find it?
And even when we figure it out and get the life we want, you have to know it doesn’t last coerced