Enjoy, live, love.
But when things change, let them change; when things move, don't stop their movement.
Always remain with the changing flux of existence, never be against it, and then nobody can create misery for you.
Then whatsoever is, brings bliss, because you never expect it to be otherwise. Whatsoever is, is welcome. Whatsoever is gone you say good-bye to; you feel thankful that it has been there, and you feel thankful that now it is no more there, so space is created for something new to happen. Then life remains an adventure, unhindered, unattached. It remains the flow of a river. And then the ocean is not far away -- it comes closer and closer every moment.
Just allow whatsoever happens and accept lovingly. And when a desert state is accepted lovingly it starts changing into a garden; it becomes the garden of Eden. That is the miracle of gratitude: whatsoever it touches, it transforms into gold.
Don't try to do anything, just relax into it.
Sometimes such flowers have bloomed in a desert that you could never imagine that in a wasteland where nothing grows, such beautiful souls could have bloomed.
The inner is enough, there is no need to search for the outer. If the outer is needed, god will give it to you. Just wait and trust!