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Friday, May 4, 2012

Nepal Corruption.. Worst to 52 RANK

Facts We could do and be.

If all the politicians of Nepal were to stop their bribery only for a year, Nepal would have enough money to build roads to reach every corner! Now go tell that to Nepalese living in Nepal or abroad, you would be surprised how true your words are. There is a lot of bribery and corruption in Nepal. Full Stop.

Nepal Corruption Facts -

Nepal is the world's 52nd corrupted country. In June 2005, first time ever, Nepal's all of the most famous political leaders were detained on charges of corruption, most dismissed due to lack of evidence.

Nepal's most corrupted region are Police, Judiciary, Tax, Education, Health, Power and Electricity, Land administration, and Customs.

Land Administration, Customs and Police are the main three sectors with heavy corruption
Reasons for corruption in many sectors are due to lack of accountability, transparency, low salary, power of monopoly and powerful interest groups, lack of proper law and order in the country.
 Half the people in Nepal believe that no work can be done without bribing

Among many ways of doing corruption in Nepal are bribery, gift-giving, diverting of budgets away from projects, under reporting of tax collections, over pricing of procurements - a direct blow to the poorest of the poorest in Nepal

A corrupted high level politician in Nepal can suck-up as much as 1 Million US Dollar a month.
Among social, economic, caste and ethnic inequalities, corruption is the most factor susceptible to Maoist influence and propaganda.
 In Nepal, the poor cannot afford the legal costs involved in dealing with the corruption-prone formal justice system
 In a 2004 national survey, Nepalese identified corruption as the first concern, second was the unemployment and third was the Maoist violence.