The program conducted by Oneness University was very fruitful. It empowered and made me able to understand my internal psychology and control myself and make quick rational decision. It made me able to understand who I am really and the purpose of my existence in the world. I was a concrete type of person, but after the program I came to know about the reprogramming that we can do to change our behavior patterns and change the style of life and also control our psychology and live a healthier life.
The break thru was the most beneficial process which I can now apply In my life as well as relate it with organizational process also.
The nine breakthrough treasure I have known for my life and my organization through the Oneness program are as follows:
1. Success formula (Intent + Effort + Grace= Success).
2. Relationships with parents
3. Inner Integrity
4. Programs and Reprogramming
5. Fear of lust
6. Real problems and created problems
7. Breakthrough technology
8. Vision
9. Ego
Relating BB&T with Oneness breakthrough
Neutralizing effort while setting goals and objectives
BB&T's values form the foundation of the way they do business. Their vision, mission, and statement of purpose help to articulate how those values guide our relationships with their clients.
BB&T Corporation is an American Bank that offers full-service commercial and retail banking services along with other services like insurance, investments, retail brokerage etc. It has a very clear and specific vision. The vision of the company is to create the best financial solutions and institution possible and become the top. It wishes to stand at the top institutions all over the world.
Relating with the breakthrough given by Oneness also taught us the same thing that we should have a clear vision and goals and have intend to reach the destiny applying all the efforts possible. It also taught us that we must always be hungry and strive to be the best in every steps and be like a child who always has eager to learn and know everything asking questions in mind and do focus on our goal like a warrior. The success formula given by the Oneness can be the best example in this scenario.
The mission statement of BB&T Corporation states that it is established to help their clients to achieve economic success and financial security. The long term profitability is clearly mentioned in the statement and it wants to help its stakeholders by providing them sound and safe environment that would never be with another company.
Likewise if we relate this with the breakthrough it tells us that we should always be fair in all our works and our internal judgments. We should always be fair in our intentions that should always be in right manner and the intensions should not contain any negative and harmful thoughts but should influence us and environment in a rational and positive manner. It tells us that if one is happy and good from inside then he will automatically react with the environment in good and positive manner.
The purpose of BB&T is to create a long term economic support to their stake holders. Because of their stakeholders the firm is able to do business and come into existence. They do not step backwards even with several failures and facing obstacles. They have the courage to take risk even business is unsuccessful. The shareholders that can only be accomplished by providing excellent services to their clients since their clients are their source of revenue. BB&T’s economic results are significantly impacted by the success of their Communities. The community's “quality of life" impacts its ability to attract industry for growth. Therefore it is necessary that they manage their business in a long-term context, as an integrated whole, with the ultimate objective of rewarding their Shareholders for their investment, while realizing that the cause of this result is quality client service. These results will lead to the growth and well-being of the communities that BB&T serves.
Relating with the breakthrough it tells that we must recognize and help and support other not for any sake or profit or as in turn of reward. The oneness program tells us that you have to have good relationship with your parents in order to have good relationship with the external variables. The ego plays a vital role in making people very dishearten and criticizer because everyone wants him as the superior. So we have to manage our Ego and don’t let our Ego hurt and take deep analysis about the problem and we must have courage to say that we are wrong if we really are wrong and try to avoid those wrong processes further.
We can relate this with the following points in the break through
· RELATIONSHIPS (relationship with stakeholders, government, environment, society)
· FEAR OF LUST (Have courage and able to take risk and think failures are the lessons towards success)
· EGO (Strategic Myopia)
· VISION (Clear vision and focused like a warrior)
We should be able to ask these common questions to our self and analyze it
1. What should I do right now to get to my goal?
2. How should I utilize the situation right now?
3. What effort should I put to get to my goal?
What are the short term pleasures I have to give up to enjoy long term pleasures?